Make a note in the calendar setting out when you want to communicate with each party and how. The calendar can include points in the process that stand out (e.g. decision-making and delivery), but can, of course, also include ones you yourself have created for the project.
It’s useful to include regular communication opportunities, such as a newsletter, as well as external events that you can make use of in your narrative. This includes conferences, New Year’s addresses and other events you can prepare for in advance. The question is always: how can you turn project milestones into opportunities for communication? And is it necessary to create new opportunities, or are there already events planned that you can use for this?

- Make the calendar a fixed agenda item in project discussions.
- Include general events that are relevant to your project in the calendar, such as Construction Day (de dag van de bouw) and Earth Day, for example. They can be good opportunities for communication.
- The calendar is often seen as the document with the most up-to-date working agreements, showing who is responsible for what and what the relevant schedule is.
- The calendar also includes information on the various target groups, and throughout the project it can help determine whether there is sufficient communication and/or whether the balance is right.